What Are the Tekne Awards?

The Tekne Awards are a celebration of the excellence and innovation within Minnesota’s technology ecosystem. Now in its 26th year, the Minnesota Technology Association hosts this event to honor the leaders and leading organizations who are fueling Minnesota’s tech-driven economy, with 15

Where Can I Park?

There are several ramps adjacent to the Minneapolis Convention Center, but the closest is the Plaza Municipal Ramp at 117 S 12th St, Minneapolis MN 55403. The Convention Center is accessible via the ramp’s skyway. For more information about parking and rates,

How to Delete Old Events ?

Vestibulum sit amet tincidunt urna, eget ullamcorper purus. Aenean feugiat quis tortor vitae fringilla. Pellentesque augue nisl, condimentum at sem et, fermentum varius ligula. Nulla dignissim nulla eget congue cursus. First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature

How to Set Price ?

Vestibulum sit amet tincidunt urna, eget ullamcorper purus. Aenean feugiat quis tortor vitae fringilla. Pellentesque augue nisl, condimentum at sem et, fermentum varius ligula. Nulla dignissim nulla eget congue cursus. First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature

How to make New Event ?

Vestibulum sit amet tincidunt urna, eget ullamcorper purus. Aenean feugiat quis tortor vitae fringilla. Pellentesque augue nisl, condimentum at sem et, fermentum varius ligula. Nulla dignissim nulla eget congue cursus. First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature

How to Change Event Date

Vestibulum sit amet tincidunt urna, eget ullamcorper purus. Aenean feugiat quis tortor vitae fringilla. Pellentesque augue nisl, condimentum at sem et, fermentum varius ligula. Nulla dignissim nulla eget congue cursus. First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature First Awesome Feature